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A safe community, created for you.

Meet the founder.

Christopher Torikoglu, BSc (Hons)

Christopher Torikoglu, a York University alumnus, has endured his fair share of adversity. Being raised in difficult socioeconomic circumstances definitely shaped the lens that he viewed the world. He experienced copious moments of helplessness, and couldn't find a supportive community that related to his struggles.

Although his traumatic childhood experiences were extremely unfortunate, they fortunately led him to his calling early on in life - To help others escape adversity through the use of technology.

At a young age, Christopher began his journey as a digital marketer, and used his technical and analytical skills to spearhead various projects. There were countless failures along the way. However, he never lost touch of his mission, as he persisted and eventually brought his vision to full fruition: This digital grassroots community. 


"I was never able to find a safe community, so I created it".

PositivitySurge, a community started in 2012, is a safe virtual destination to help motivate and inspire people to be the best version of themselves. Although this isn't an easy process, especially for those who feel like they have no one to confide in, this is a place where everyone can find themselves.

We pride ourselves in curating content that isn't infused with advertisements. Our initiative attributes its growth and engagement for this reason. We personally believe that cultivating a community that is driven by altruistic motives has ultimately gained the trust of thousands of people. 

Our digital grassroots community has surpassed 100,000 social media followers, and keeps growing! We are grateful that our motivational and uplifting content is resonating, and we will continue to advocate for the importance of nurturing your well being.

Thank you for joining the conversation and movement.

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